• +91 9137065004

  • Mumbai, Maharashtra

Shivani Rajeshreee, Neuropsychologist, conducted a session on ‘Coping with Memory Difficuties’ and facilitated a learning experience on interesting and simple rememrbering strategies to improve memory and retrieval.

Dr Urvashi Shah, Neuropsychologist and Samman’s Committee Member, chipped in with significant inputs to improve memory problems in the coxtext of epilepsy.
Our members, new and old, shared their questions and experiences with others and engaged in a meaningful conversation to empower all epilepsy warriors and caregivers present at the meeting.

This SGM became a spcae for all of us to celebrate our Founder Dr. Pravina Shah’s Lifetime Acheivement Award. A Tulsi plant was gifted to her as a token of our respect, admiration and gratitude. To top the celebration, member Mr. Santosh Tholar, a talented and known graphic designer, gifted her a customised diary filled with photos of Dr Shah’s family and friends.

All attendees were happy to pose for group photos and relish the celebratory cakes, snacks and tea.

Until next time.

Samman Association, the Mumbai Chapter of Indian Epilepsy Association, is dedicated to empowering people with epilepsy and their caregivers.







Samman Association c/o Adapt India, 1st floor KC Marg, Bandra Reclamation, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400050.