Yesterday’s program was well attended with over 130 persons with epilepsy and caregivers attending the same. After Dr. Pravina Shah welcomed the audience, Dr. Viraj Sanghi gave an overview of epilepsy. Dr. Urvashi Shah then beautifully detailed the psychosocial problems that are associated with epilepsy and this was followed by Carol D’Souza’s presentation on services provided at the IEA Bombay Chapter – ECell. Mr. Charles Antoine Janssen then informed us of UCB’s vision, mission and values, after which the EPI film ‘Epilepsy An Untold Story’ was shown. The audience was then given an opportunity to ask questions – and there were so many! A panel of doctors comprising a neurosurgeon, neurologists and neuropsychologist answered these questions. A quiz, feedback form and the Samman theme song ‘Sun, Sun, Sun’ ended the session. Most heartening for me was that 10 people from the audience became members of the IEA Bombay Chapter after the meeting!